Wednesday, March 04, 2009

As Promised

It was my doing, setting the girls up with their own blog. Mostly because I’m a selfish person who wants to know what her family is doing, leaving me behind and going on vacation to warmness. It was during my selfish moment that Becca helped me remember my own password and in so doing made me “swear” to keep them in the informed of my social life, everyday life, spiritual life, love life, and barn life…the list could go on I suppose. I have done a very poor job of keeping anyone up-to-date and I’m afraid I may not do a very good job of it now; we shall see.
One thing I have learned since the departure is that I live in a very large house. I very large, quiet house. One that if I sit perfectly still on the coach and close my eyes I can hardly imagine that I remember screaming voices of smaller brothers. At this moment Bagatelles (10) For Piano Op. 34 by Sibelius is all I can really hear, as well as the plunk, plunk of the corn stove as the kernels drop into the flames. It is a nice quiet, for now.
I visited the barn with Natalia today. I visit it very often just to reassure you Klara, sometimes I visit it more then I would like. Such as this evening when Natalia and I went out for a second time when I noticed I had left the loft light on, and then a third time when I remembered I needed to check the tire pressure in my car, and then a fourth time, when I had to get a new air pressure gage. Natalia was a trooper, however, and only complained three times.
It is in the times of visiting the barn that I discover things about myself that I never knew, or if I once knew I have shut them out of the everyday part of my brain that I choose to remember. It is also where I discover that being five foot eight is not the right height for a five foot ceiling. Bernadean (Ruth, how on earth do you spell her name?) followed me to the hay rack this morning snorting forcefully all the way, demanding that I feed her right then. Being the nice person I try to be I turned abruptly to reassure her that she was not forgotten. I reassured the ceiling beam instead. As I stood there holding onto the hay rack wondering what had hit me, Bernadean looked at me with her beady eyes and honked. Honking is what I’ve come to call her oinks, because they aren’t really oinks anymore…that’s the term I’d use for a piglet…these are mature oinks. Anyway, her faithful honking stayed with me once again when tonight I walked into another beam. One of these days I’m going to lay myself out flat and she’ll probably bury me by the time I come to. She’s thoughtful like that.
This evening over spaghetti with no sauce, Natalia and I had a discussion on Aristotle. It is very interesting watching the turning of an eight-year-olds mind. The discussion began when I told her that I was going to the cellar to get something from the freezer. She decided that she should come to. This happened quite a few times during the night with me finally asking her what she thought would happen to her if I went down stairs and she stayed upstairs. She didn’t really know but then came up with, “I just get so bored with being by myself, and sometimes I frighten myself.” I saw her point. It was then that I told her that according to Aristotle there is nothing you cannot do (realistically) if you train yourself to do it. I gave her the example of being good and how we are not born good but we work at. And so I thought that if she worked on not being afraid all the time, she would eventually become less frightened. She wasn’t so sure and then added that she was already very good. I wasn’t convinced. Upon asking her for an explanation of her goodness, she told me that she is not bad anymore, only naughty. And she was never naughty unless she was with her sisters and they provoked her. I thought about this for awhile but decided not to comment. Perhaps being bad and naughty are two different things, I just don’t know it.
I just glanced at the clock and noticed that I was supposed to be done with some homework by now. It is sitting next to me if that counts. Perhaps another free moment will lend itself to me...they seem to be precious few these days.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Breaking News: Alzheimer's defeated at 21

After two whole years I have remembered my password. We'll see how long I can remember it this time.

It is Becca's suggestion that I write my username and password in this post for the days to come when my memory fails me again. Or maybe I did but it's all in code.

Katherine Holscher (code for password for later years when alzheimer's sets in)


Monday, January 01, 2007

Random is a nice word. It means lot's of things.

Be prepared for Randomness

It's interesting how different people welcome in the new year. Usually I find myself on my knee's in a watch night service, but not this year. I was huddled in my bed as Jack Bauer put a bullet through Christopher Henderson. Ugh. Why did Ben have to get me hooked on "24"?

---------------------subject differs below----------------------------------------------------

It's strange how when you buy something to be used during a certain season, that season seams to promptly disapear. I think fate is against my family when it comes to things that like.
Such as acquiring a sun fish only to go to the ocean when the wind doesn't rustle so much as a blade of sea grass. Or last year some of my siblings got snow shoes for Christmas; I think they used them once. And now this year there is still no snow, so I look out the window at a beautiful, sleek, Artic Cat snow mobile sitting on green grass. Its enough to make you want to move to Denver, Colorodo for the winter. Forget Bible School.

Change of subject num. 2

Recently I discovered the voice of Jimmy Durante. He was a comedian/singer back in the umm 60s I'm guessing. I like him because he sounds human, actually he sounds more like a man that just drank a pint of whipping cream, but I like it. Its a nice raspy sound.
I find it refreshing to listen to someone who sounds old.

Well, I probably won't post again for another few months...I just felt like typing tonight.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just a quick up-date on what I have been doing:
-Finished week number 1 of Bible School
-Cooked more in my life in one week than I ever want to again
-Decided that I would much rather lead total strangers to Salvation than Mr. Sandford
-Thanked God over and over that Vanlora is coming back soon
-Paddled 10 miles down the CT. river in a canoe
-Dreamed that I was crying, then waking up and realizing that I wanted to b/c my muscles hurt so bad

Friday, August 04, 2006

Encounters with Animals

Have you ever wondered how many animals you have killed in your driving career? When I first got my permit I thought it would be interesting to keep track, but that ended when I hit a deer a few days later. Lately though, I have been having the strangest encounters with animals while driving.

Last week I was driving home from work when a mourning dove hit the windshield of the car in front of mine and came rushing towards me. The mangled bird didn't hit my car but went flying by my open window. Except not all of it went by, bits and pieces of feather and flesh were sucked through my window to blow around me. That was pretty gross. Afterwards I started thinking how terrible it would have been if the whole bird had been sucked in, and what if it had been alive still; imagine trying to drive, while a dying bird is bleeding and flopping around you.

At the end of the day I am usually pretty tired. So on my drive home I tend to think odd things. Like the other day I saw a rabbit run across the street and thought, "hmm a monkey." It's times like that, that I start to wonder if the people I take care of are rubbing off on me. Perhaps I'm loosing my mind.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

good night kitty

Caleb's random conversation with the cat through the screen door.

“Hello honey, hello sweetie...
See, I lost my tooth...
You have a fat face... Mom, Ketch has a fat face... Mom is Ketch the tooth fairy?
You would make a fat tooth fairy...I hope you’re not the tooth fairy.
Good night kitty.”

Monday, June 26, 2006

Quote of the Day

"I bet they all wish they were shot."

Floyd- thinking wild animals would prefer to be dead then to be out in the rain and have "nothing" to eat.